Lost & Found Pets

This page is for lost & found pets in Montclair, Nutley, Verona and surrounding areas. 

If you have lost or found a pet in one of these towns or in a town close to them please call us at 973-744-8600.

You can also email a photo of the lost pet to MTAS@MontclairNJusa.org and include when the pet was lost and from what location. 

Also include pet owner name, address and best contact phone number to be reached in the event the lost pet is found.

There are several local Lost & Found Facebook pages, make sure to post the lost pet there

update all posts when the pet is found. 

PS - we offer microchipping for $20. This small chip is inserted below the skin of the pet and enables officials to find the pet owner faster!  

It takes literally less than one minute to "install".